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Business Analytics

Meeting Today’s Business Challenges Delivering the insights to assist your business grow

The volume and availableness of knowledge is skyrocketing, so are the expectations that it'll yield analytical insights for improved business deciding. The challenge for businesses is figuring out a way to exploit this huge knowledge into actionable business opportunities.

Ingenworks provides analytics services to evaluate your investment performance through ROIs, business drivers and variable attribution, promotion response, investment optimization, customer segmentation, targeting, KPI determination, customer Lifetime Value in a variety of industries including healthcare, insurance, banking and retail. Our core strength is in coming up with unique, highly customized and ingenious analytics solution to your complex business situation. Whether it is a onetime project or ongoing analytics service solution, Ingenworks will adapt it your particular organizational situation and work with your internal resources or independently. We strongly believe that implementation and pull through of recommendation is most successful when internal matrix teams are bought in, engaged as partners in the process. Ingenworks provides disciplined, comprehensive, continuum of analytics for:

  • Enabling organization strengths to leverage advanced analytics and fuel further growth
  • Organizational guidance establishing clear ways of working across business units to enable rapid decision making
  • Deep dives integrating and synthesizing information to uncover and deliver actionable insights
  • Performance diagnostics identifying opportunities to drive strategies
  • Linear and non-linear promotional response curves and surface analytics optimizing resources for better business outcomes